Mike Pritchard, principal of 5 Circles Research, started consulting to share the experience gained during his career at technology companies Intel, ICL, and Sperry Gyroscope.
5 Circles Research brings together rich experience in research, marketing, and engineering to offer effective, understandable and affordable market research. Our virtual team includes advanced statistical capabilities, data processing, focus group facilities, and telephone data collection services that complement our in-house capabilities.
Sample Market Research Clients
We’ve conducted research projects for clients large and small in a variety of industries, including technology, consumer products and public sector.
Prior to becoming a full-time market researcher, Mike’s clients for marketing, technology, and strategy consulting included Canby Telephone Association, Gaia, Holjeron, IBM (Sequent Division), Intel, OneWorld, Palo Alto Software, Radisys, Robley Marketing, Sharp, SmartStuff, Soderstrom Architects and Western Wood Products Association. He helped these companies explore new opportunities, develop effective strategies, and bring new products and services to market, along the way contributing to some significant acquisitions.
Mike’s research experience starting at Intel and continuing during this period of consulting was followed by senior positions with research firms Market Decisions, Crestwood Associates, and comScore.
Mike holds a BS in Electronics from the University of Southampton (England), and an MBA from the University of Oregon. He has been active in the Software Association of Oregon (past board member), Oregon Entrepreneurs Network, Puget Sound Research Forum (past board member), MIT Enterprise Forum of Washington, Northwest Entrepreneurs Network and the Washington Technology Industry Alliance. Mike has taught for Bellevue College, Western Washington University, and the University of Washington.
Contact us to see how we can help you with your project!